
Showing posts from September, 2021

Pre-Launch Plans!

Hey Everyone,   Welcome back from the summer! Hope you've had a refreshing time with friends and family! I was going to tell you about the vision for the term, but I've decided to hold that back just a bit longer whilst I and the student team continue to pray about it. But you don't have to wait for that, because we've got some pre-launch plans; some things that are easy going, and centred around community and prayer, because we just want to get back together with one another and with Jesus. So without further ado…   Prayer and Worship Evenings Tuesday 14th, 21st & 28th, 7pm for 7:30pm start   A time of prayer, worship and intercession for new students. We want to get together, into God's presence, and see where he leads us. It's a great chance to pray for freshers as they arrive, but also to align our hearts with Gods and to let him be known to us afresh. I can't say much about what it will look like, as that's up to God! but there'